Interactive Demo

Installation, Configuration and Deployment Demo v1

Want to see what it takes to get the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes Operator up and running? This section will demonstrate the following:

  1. Installing the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes Operator
  2. Deploying a three-node PostgreSQL cluster
  3. Installing and using the kubectl-cnp plugin
  4. Testing failover to verify the resilience of the cluster

It will take roughly 5-10 minutes to work through.

This demo is interactive

You can follow along right in your browser by clicking the button below. Once the environment initializes, you'll see a terminal open at the bottom of the screen.

Clicking Start Now will load an interactive terminal in this window

Once k3d is ready, we need to start a cluster:

k3d cluster create
INFO[0000] Prep: Network                                
INFO[0000] Created network 'k3d-k3s-default'            
INFO[0000] Created image volume k3d-k3s-default-images  
INFO[0000] Starting new tools node...                   
INFO[0001] Pulling image '' 
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-k3s-default-server-0'     
INFO[0001] Pulling image '' 
INFO[0003] Starting Node 'k3d-k3s-default-tools'        
INFO[0005] Creating LoadBalancer 'k3d-k3s-default-serverlb' 
INFO[0006] Pulling image '' 
INFO[0011] Using the k3d-tools node to gather environment information 
INFO[0011] HostIP: using network gateway address 
INFO[0011] Starting cluster 'k3s-default'               
INFO[0011] Starting servers...                          
INFO[0011] Starting Node 'k3d-k3s-default-server-0'     
INFO[0016] All agents already running.                  
INFO[0016] Starting helpers...                          
INFO[0016] Starting Node 'k3d-k3s-default-serverlb'     
INFO[0023] Injecting records for hostAliases (incl. host.k3d.internal) and for 2 network members into CoreDNS configmap... 
INFO[0025] Cluster 'k3s-default' created successfully!  
INFO[0025] You can now use it like this:                
kubectl cluster-info

This will create the Kubernetes cluster, and you will be ready to use it. Verify that it works with the following command:

kubectl get nodes
NAME                       STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
k3d-k3s-default-server-0   Ready    control-plane,master   17s   v1.27.4+k3s1

You will see one node called k3d-k3s-default-server-0. If the status isn't yet "Ready", wait for a few seconds and run the command above again.

Install EDB Postgres for Kubernetes

Now that the Kubernetes cluster is running, you can proceed with EDB Postgres for Kubernetes installation as described in the "Installation and upgrades" section:

kubectl apply -f
namespace/postgresql-operator-system created created created created created
serviceaccount/postgresql-operator-manager created created created
configmap/postgresql-operator-default-monitoring created
service/postgresql-operator-webhook-service created
deployment.apps/postgresql-operator-controller-manager created created created

And then verify that it was successfully installed:

kubectl get deploy -n postgresql-operator-system postgresql-operator-controller-manager
NAME                                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
postgresql-operator-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           52s

Deploy a PostgreSQL cluster

As with any other deployment in Kubernetes, to deploy a PostgreSQL cluster you need to apply a configuration file that defines your desired Cluster.

The cluster-example.yaml sample file defines a simple Cluster using the default storage class to allocate disk space:

cat <<EOF > cluster-example.yaml
# Example of PostgreSQL cluster
kind: Cluster
  name: cluster-example
  instances: 3

  # Example of rolling update strategy:
  # - unsupervised: automated update of the primary once all
  #                 replicas have been upgraded (default)
  # - supervised: requires manual supervision to perform
  #               the switchover of the primary
  primaryUpdateStrategy: unsupervised

  # Require 1Gi of space
    size: 1Gi
There's more

For more detailed information about the available options, please refer to the "API Reference" section.

In order to create the 3-node PostgreSQL cluster, you need to run the following command:

kubectl apply -f cluster-example.yaml
Output created

You can check that the pods are being created with the get pods command. It'll take a bit to initialize, so if you run that immediately after applying the cluster configuration you'll see the status as Init: or PodInitializing:

kubectl get pods
NAME                             READY   STATUS            RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-example-1-initdb-sdr25   0/1     PodInitializing   0          20s

...give it a minute, and then check on it again:

kubectl get pods
NAME                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-example-1   1/1     Running   0          47s
cluster-example-2   1/1     Running   0          24s
cluster-example-3   1/1     Running   0          8s

Now we can check the status of the cluster:

kubectl get cluster cluster-example -o yaml
kind: Cluster
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: "2023-10-18T19:53:06Z"
  generation: 1
  name: cluster-example
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "1201"
  uid: 9d712b83-f2ea-4835-8de1-c2cee75bd3c7
    podAntiAffinityType: preferred
    topologyKey: ""
      database: app
      encoding: UTF8
      localeCType: C
      localeCollate: C
      owner: app
  enableSuperuserAccess: true
  failoverDelay: 0
  instances: 3
  logLevel: info
  maxSyncReplicas: 0
  minSyncReplicas: 0
    - key: queries
      name: postgresql-operator-default-monitoring
    disableDefaultQueries: false
    enablePodMonitor: false
  postgresGID: 26
  postgresUID: 26
      archive_mode: "on"
      archive_timeout: 5min
      dynamic_shared_memory_type: posix
      log_destination: csvlog
      log_directory: /controller/log
      log_filename: postgres
      log_rotation_age: "0"
      log_rotation_size: "0"
      log_truncate_on_rotation: "false"
      logging_collector: "on"
      max_parallel_workers: "32"
      max_replication_slots: "32"
      max_worker_processes: "32"
      shared_memory_type: mmap
      shared_preload_libraries: ""
      wal_keep_size: 512MB
      wal_receiver_timeout: 5s
      wal_sender_timeout: 5s
      enabled: false
  primaryUpdateMethod: restart
  primaryUpdateStrategy: unsupervised
  resources: {}
  startDelay: 30
  stopDelay: 30
    resizeInUseVolumes: true
    size: 1Gi
  switchoverDelay: 40000000
    clientCASecret: cluster-example-ca
      cluster-example-ca: 2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC
      cluster-example-replication: 2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC
      cluster-example-server: 2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC
    replicationTLSSecret: cluster-example-replication
    - cluster-example-rw
    - cluster-example-rw.default
    - cluster-example-rw.default.svc
    - cluster-example-r
    - cluster-example-r.default
    - cluster-example-r.default.svc
    - cluster-example-ro
    - cluster-example-ro.default
    - cluster-example-ro.default.svc
    serverCASecret: cluster-example-ca
    serverTLSSecret: cluster-example-server
  cloudNativePostgresqlCommitHash: c42ca1c2
  cloudNativePostgresqlOperatorHash: 1d51c15adffb02c81dbc4e8752ddb68f709699c78d9c3384ed9292188685971b
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-10-18T19:54:30Z"
    message: Cluster is Ready
    reason: ClusterIsReady
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-10-18T19:54:30Z"
    message: velero addon is disabled
    reason: Disabled
    status: "False"
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-10-18T19:54:30Z"
    message: external-backup-adapter addon is disabled
    reason: Disabled
    status: "False"
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-10-18T19:54:30Z"
    message: external-backup-adapter-cluster addon is disabled
    reason: Disabled
    status: "False"
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-10-18T19:54:31Z"
    message: kasten addon is disabled
    reason: Disabled
    status: "False"
      postgresql-operator-default-monitoring: "860"
  currentPrimary: cluster-example-1
  currentPrimaryTimestamp: "2023-10-18T19:53:49.065241Z"
  - cluster-example-1
  - cluster-example-2
  - cluster-example-3
  - cluster-example-1
  - cluster-example-2
  - cluster-example-3
  instances: 3
      isPrimary: true
      timeLineID: 1
      isPrimary: false
      timeLineID: 1
      isPrimary: false
      timeLineID: 1
    - cluster-example-1
    - cluster-example-2
    - cluster-example-3
  latestGeneratedNode: 3
    isImplicit: true
    isTrial: true
    licenseExpiration: "2023-11-17T19:53:06Z"
    licenseStatus: Implicit trial license
    repositoryAccess: false
    valid: true
  managedRolesStatus: {}
  phase: Cluster in healthy state
    pgBouncerIntegration: {}
  pvcCount: 3
  readService: cluster-example-r
  readyInstances: 3
    applicationSecretVersion: "832"
    clientCaSecretVersion: "828"
    replicationSecretVersion: "830"
    serverCaSecretVersion: "828"
    serverSecretVersion: "829"
    superuserSecretVersion: "831"
  targetPrimary: cluster-example-1
  targetPrimaryTimestamp: "2023-10-18T19:53:06.981792Z"
  timelineID: 1
      cluster-example-1: {}
      cluster-example-2: {}
      cluster-example-3: {}
    nodesUsed: 1
    successfullyExtracted: true
  writeService: cluster-example-rw

By default, the operator will install the latest available minor version of the latest major version of PostgreSQL when the operator was released. You can override this by setting the imageName key in the spec section of the Cluster definition.


The immutable infrastructure paradigm requires that you always point to a specific version of the container image. Never use tags like latest or 13 in a production environment as it might lead to unpredictable scenarios in terms of update policies and version consistency in the cluster.

Install the kubectl-cnp plugin

EDB Postgres for Kubernetes provides a plugin for kubectl to manage a cluster in Kubernetes, along with a script to install it:

curl -sSfL \ | \
  sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
EnterpriseDB/kubectl-cnp info checking GitHub for latest tag
EnterpriseDB/kubectl-cnp info found version: 1.21.0 for v1.21.0/linux/x86_64
EnterpriseDB/kubectl-cnp info installed /usr/local/bin/kubectl-cnp

The cnp command is now available in kubectl:

kubectl cnp status cluster-example
Cluster Summary
Name:                cluster-example
Namespace:           default
System ID:           7291389121501601807
PostgreSQL Image:
Primary instance:    cluster-example-1
Primary start time:  2023-10-18 19:53:49 +0000 UTC (uptime 2m32s)
Status:              Cluster in healthy state 
Instances:           3
Ready instances:     3
Current Write LSN:   0/6054B60 (Timeline: 1 - WAL File: 000000010000000000000006)

Certificates Status
Certificate Name             Expiration Date                Days Left Until Expiration
----------------             ---------------                --------------------------
cluster-example-ca           2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99
cluster-example-replication  2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99
cluster-example-server       2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99

Continuous Backup status
Not configured

Streaming Replication status
Name               Sent LSN   Write LSN  Flush LSN  Replay LSN  Write Lag  Flush Lag  Replay Lag  State      Sync State  Sync Priority
----               --------   ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----      ----------  -------------
cluster-example-2  0/6054B60  0/6054B60  0/6054B60  0/6054B60   00:00:00   00:00:00   00:00:00    streaming  async       0
cluster-example-3  0/6054B60  0/6054B60  0/6054B60  0/6054B60   00:00:00   00:00:00   00:00:00    streaming  async       0

Unmanaged Replication Slot Status
No unmanaged replication slots found

Instances status
Name               Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role  Status  QoS         Manager Version  Node
----               -------------  -----------  ----------------  ------  ---         ---------------  ----
cluster-example-1  29 MB          0/6054B60    Primary           OK      BestEffort  1.20.2           k3d-k3s-default-server-0
cluster-example-2  29 MB          0/6054B60    Standby (async)   OK      BestEffort  1.20.2           k3d-k3s-default-server-0
cluster-example-3  29 MB          0/6054B60    Standby (async)   OK      BestEffort  1.20.2           k3d-k3s-default-server-0
There's more

See the Cloud Native PostgreSQL Plugin page for more commands and options.

Testing failover

As our status checks show, we're running two replicas - if something happens to the primary instance of PostgreSQL, the cluster will fail over to one of them. Let's demonstrate this by killing the primary pod:

kubectl delete pod --wait=false cluster-example-1
pod "cluster-example-1" deleted

This simulates a hard shutdown of the server - a scenario where something has gone wrong.

Now if we check the status...

kubectl cnp status cluster-example
Cluster Summary
Name:                cluster-example
Namespace:           default
System ID:           7291389121501601807
PostgreSQL Image:
Primary instance:    cluster-example-2
Primary start time:  2023-10-18 19:57:07 +0000 UTC (uptime 5s)
Status:              Failing over Failing over from cluster-example-1 to cluster-example-2
Instances:           3
Ready instances:     2
Current Write LSN:   0/7001000 (Timeline: 2 - WAL File: 000000020000000000000007)

Certificates Status
Certificate Name             Expiration Date                Days Left Until Expiration
----------------             ---------------                --------------------------
cluster-example-ca           2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99
cluster-example-replication  2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99
cluster-example-server       2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99

Continuous Backup status
Not configured

Streaming Replication status
Not available yet

Unmanaged Replication Slot Status
No unmanaged replication slots found

Instances status
Name               Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role      Status             QoS         Manager Version  Node
----               -------------  -----------  ----------------      ------             ---         ---------------  ----
cluster-example-2  29 MB          0/7001000    Primary               OK                 BestEffort  1.20.2           k3d-k3s-default-server-0
cluster-example-3  29 MB          0/70000A0    Standby (file based)  OK                 BestEffort  1.20.2           k3d-k3s-default-server-0
cluster-example-1  -              -            -                     pod not available  BestEffort  -                k3d-k3s-default-server-0

...the failover process has begun, with the second pod promoted to primary. Once the failed pod has restarted, it will become a replica of the new primary:

kubectl cnp status cluster-example
Cluster Summary
Name:                cluster-example
Namespace:           default
System ID:           7291389121501601807
PostgreSQL Image:
Primary instance:    cluster-example-2
Primary start time:  2023-10-18 19:57:07 +0000 UTC (uptime 1m14s)
Status:              Cluster in healthy state 
Instances:           3
Ready instances:     3
Current Write LSN:   0/7004D98 (Timeline: 2 - WAL File: 000000020000000000000007)

Certificates Status
Certificate Name             Expiration Date                Days Left Until Expiration
----------------             ---------------                --------------------------
cluster-example-ca           2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99
cluster-example-replication  2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99
cluster-example-server       2024-01-16 19:48:06 +0000 UTC  89.99

Continuous Backup status
Not configured

Streaming Replication status
Name               Sent LSN   Write LSN  Flush LSN  Replay LSN  Write Lag  Flush Lag  Replay Lag  State      Sync State  Sync Priority
----               --------   ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----      ----------  -------------
cluster-example-1  0/7004D98  0/7004D98  0/7004D98  0/7004D98   00:00:00   00:00:00   00:00:00    streaming  async       0
cluster-example-3  0/7004D98  0/7004D98  0/7004D98  0/7004D98   00:00:00   00:00:00   00:00:00    streaming  async       0

Unmanaged Replication Slot Status
No unmanaged replication slots found

Instances status
Name               Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role  Status  QoS         Manager Version  Node
----               -------------  -----------  ----------------  ------  ---         ---------------  ----
cluster-example-2  29 MB          0/7004D98    Primary           OK      BestEffort  1.20.2           k3d-k3s-default-server-0
cluster-example-1  29 MB          0/7004D98    Standby (async)   OK      BestEffort  1.20.2           k3d-k3s-default-server-0
cluster-example-3  29 MB          0/7004D98    Standby (async)   OK      BestEffort  1.20.2           k3d-k3s-default-server-0

Further reading

This is all it takes to get a PostgreSQL cluster up and running, but of course there's a lot more possible - and certainly much more that is prudent before you should ever deploy in a production environment!